The Steve Weddle Memorial Airport Flash Fiction Challenge
You can find the challenge here My step up to the plate can be found below: My Airport “What’d I tell you?” Mickey asked. Jaime switched off the faucet and looked in the mirror. “It’s a big airport.” “I know how big the airport is. That’s not what I asked.” Jaime smirked, picked at a pimple on his jaw line just below his left ear, and said, “You told me to stay away from the airport.” Mickey exhaled slowly and slid both his hands into his dark jeans. “And here the fuck you are.” Jaime stood back and fussed with the frosted tips of his razored bangs. “Here the fuck I am.” Mickey’s fist came out of his pocket, fingers all brass knuckle gleam. Jaime’s mouth O’ed. Mickey shoved him with his left and cracked him on the back of the head. Something exploded by Jaime’s eyes and he went down, clutching for anything to stay standing. Mickey crushed the fingers clutching the sink rim. Jaime started to scream, but Mickey smothered it under his smooth palm, driving the blond head to the floor and