Ashley 0

The Miley Cyrus episode of Black Mirror is better than the stupid review from critics:

“Cutsey?” “Cartoonish?” “A mediocre disillusioned-pop-star story fused with a mediocre awkward teen story.”

Hmmm…that almost sounds like, gee, I don’t know? Like a live-action Disney channel show?

Or, golly, I don’t know, maybe a really bad direct-to-dvd Disney channel live-action movie designed to milk tween’s parents of money?

You know, like something that someone like Miley Cyrus would have done when she was a prisoner of Hannah Montana and her father’s control?

Hey, Miley Cyrus is in this episode playing someone who...WAIT A MINUTE! That couldn’t have been, I don’t know, maybe part of the point of the episode could it? Naw…

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